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We inspire creativity through music, performance and teamwork.

Our Mission

We aim to give every child the platform to achieve, perform and express themselves creatively. Let’s Rock lessons are a great way for children to discover the joy of music, teamwork and identity.

Expression Through Music

Let’s Rock offers fun and engaging group music lessons specifically designed for KS1 and KS2 children to learn an instrument of choice (Drums, Guitar, Keyboard or Vocals) and pick up valuable life skills along the way. Students get the chance to be a part of their very own rock band, performing songs they love whilst being encouraged to work as a team, make their own decisions and forge their own band culture.

30 minute rock band sessions will take pace on a weekly basis during school hours and are delivered by experienced musician and teacher, Jesse. At the end of each term parents and family members are invited to attend the Let’s Rock concert where each band will take to the stage and showcase a song they have learnt throughout the term.

Where words fail, music speaks.
— Hans Christian Andersen


A confidence Boost

As each term progresses we aim to see our students blossoming as they enhance their performance skills, boosting their confidence. Children who attend our classes tend to stand out by being personable, self assured and confident in all they do. They are often more at ease in social situations, more articulate in conversation and as a result perform better in the classroom.

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Respect & Behaviour

We encourage the children in our classes to respect each other and always behave appropriately. High expectations provide an environment for students to challenge themselves. We are keen to empower children in the classroom, we frequently encourage them to share their own ideas and have ownership of the work they create, rather than be just told what to do.